Chapter 64 - Option Index
- --
- --help
- --version
- -Ac
- -Am
- -B
- -C
The Exim command line [Command line options], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -D
The Exim command line [Command line options], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -E
- -F
- -G
- -L
- -M
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Security considerations [Privileged users]
- -MC
- -MCA
- -MCD
- -MCG
- -MCK
- -MCP
- -MCQ
- -MCS
- -MCT
- -MCd
- -MCq
- -MCr
- -MCs
- -MCt
- -MG
- -Mar
- -Mc
- -Mes
- -Mf
- -Mg
- -Mmad
- -Mmd
- -Mrm
- -Mset
- -Mt
- -Mvb
- -Mvc
- -Mvh
- -Mvl
- -N
- -O
- -R
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- -S
- -Tqt
- -U
- -X
- -bF
The Exim command line [Command line options], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -bI:dscp
- -bI:help
- -bI:sieve
- -bP
- -bS
- -bV
- -bd
- -bdf
- -be
The Exim command line [Command line options], String expansions [Testing string expansions], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -bem
The Exim command line [Command line options], String expansions [Testing string expansions]
- -bf
The Exim command line [Command line options], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -bfd
- -bfl
- -bfp
- -bfs
- -bh
The Exim command line [Command line options], Access control lists [ACL modifiers], Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -bhc
- -bi
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- -bm
- -bmalware
- -bnq
- -bp
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- -bpa
- -bpc
- -bpr
- -bpra
- -bpru
- -bpu
- -brt
- -brw
- -bs
- -bt
The Exim command line [Command line options], Generic options for routers
- -bv
The Exim command line [Command line options], Generic options for routers, Security considerations [Root privilege]
- -bvs
- -bw
- -d
- -dd
- -dropcr
- -ex
- -f
The Exim command line [Command line options], Security considerations [Privileged users]
- for address testing
- for filter testing
- overriding From line
- -h
- -i
- -m
- -n
- -oA
- -oB
- -oMa
- -oMaa
- -oMai
- -oMas
- -oMi
- -oMm
- -oMr
- -oMs
- -oMt
- -oP
- -oPX
- -oX
- -oY
- -odb
- -odf
- -odi
- -odq
- -odqs
- -oee
- -oem
- -oep
- -oeq
- -oew
- -oi
- -oitrue
- -om
- -oo
- -or
- -os
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- -ov
- -p
- -pd
- -ps
- -q
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Security considerations [Privileged users]
- -qG
- -qR
- -qS
- -qf
- -qff
- -qi
- -ql
- -r
- -t
The Exim command line [Command line options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- -ti
- -tls-on-connect
- -v
- -x
- -z
- accept_8bitmime
- acl_not_smtp
- acl_not_smtp_mime
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Content scanning at ACL time [Scanning MIME parts]
- acl_not_smtp_start
- acl_smtp_auth
- acl_smtp_connect
- acl_smtp_data
- acl_smtp_data_prdr
- acl_smtp_dkim
- acl_smtp_etrn
- acl_smtp_expn
- acl_smtp_helo
- acl_smtp_mail
- acl_smtp_mailauth
- acl_smtp_mime
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Content scanning at ACL time [Scanning MIME parts]
- acl_smtp_notquit
- acl_smtp_predata
- acl_smtp_quit
- acl_smtp_rcpt
- acl_smtp_starttls
- acl_smtp_vrfy
- add_environment
- address_data
- address_retry_include_sender
- address_test
- admin_groups
- allow_commands
- allow_defer
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- allow_domain_literals
- allow_fail
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- allow_fifo
- allow_filter
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- allow_freeze
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- allow_localhost
- allow_mx_to_ip
- allow_symlink
- allow_utf8_domains
- auth_advertise_hosts
- authenticated_sender
- authenticated_sender_force
- auto_thaw
- av_scanner
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Content scanning at ACL time [Scanning for viruses]
- batch_id
Address batching in local transports, The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The lmtp transport, The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- batch_max
Address batching in local transports, The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The lmtp transport, The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- bcc
- bi_command
- body_only
- bounce_message_file
- bounce_message_text
- bounce_return_body
- bounce_return_linesize_limit
- bounce_return_message
- bounce_return_size_limit
- bounce_sender_authentication
- callout_domain_negative_expire
- callout_domain_positive_expire
- callout_negative_expire
- callout_positive_expire
- callout_random_local_part
- cannot_route_message
- caseful_local_part
- cc
- check_ancestor
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- check_group
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router], The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile]
- check_local_user
- check_log_inodes
- check_log_space
- check_owner
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router], The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile]
- check_rfc2047_length
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- check_secondary_mx
- check_spool_inodes
- check_spool_space
- check_srv
- check_string
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- chunking_advertise_hosts
- client_authz
- client_channelbinding
- client_condition
- client_domain
- client_ignore_invalid_base64
- client_name
- client_password
The gsasl authenticator, The spa authenticator [Using spa as a client]
- client_secret
- client_send
The plaintext authenticator [Using plaintext in a client], The external authenticator [Using external in a client]
- client_set_id
- client_spassword
- client_username
The gsasl authenticator, The spa authenticator [Using spa as a client]
- command
The queryprogram router, The lmtp transport, The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- command_group
- command_timeout
- command_user
- commandline_checks_require_admin
- condition
- connect_timeout
- connection_max_messages
- create_directory
- create_file
- current_directory
- daemon_smtp_ports
- daemon_startup_retries
- daemon_startup_sleep
- dane_require_tls_ciphers
- data
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- data_timeout
- debug_print
- debug_store
- delay_after_cutoff
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], Retry configuration [Long-term failures]
- delay_warning
- delay_warning_condition
String expansions [Expansion variables], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- deliver_drop_privilege
- deliver_queue_load_max
- delivery_date_add
- delivery_date_remove
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The Delivery-date: header line]
- directory
- directory_file
- directory_mode
- directory_transport
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- disable_fsync
- disable_ipv6
Starting the daemon and the use of network interfaces [Disabling IPv6], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- disable_logging
- dkim_canon
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_domain
- dkim_hash
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_identity
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_private_key
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_selector
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_sign_headers
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_strict
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_timestamps
The smtp transport [Private options for smtp], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [Signing outgoing messages]
- dkim_verify_hashes
- dkim_verify_keytypes
- dkim_verify_min_keysizes
- dkim_verify_minimal
- dkim_verify_signers
- dmarc_forensic_sender
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [DMARC]
- dmarc_history_file
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [DMARC]
- dmarc_tld_file
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC [DMARC]
- dns_again_means_nonexist
- dns_check_names_pattern
- dns_cname_loops
- dns_csa_search_limit
- dns_csa_use_reverse
- dns_dnssec_ok
- dns_ipv4_lookup
- dns_qualify_single
- dns_retrans
- dns_retry
- dns_search_parents
- dns_trust_aa
- dns_use_edns0
- dnssec_request_domains
Generic options for routers, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- dnssec_require_domains
Generic options for routers, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- domains
- driver
Generic options for routers, Generic options for transports, SMTP authentication [Generic options for authenticators]
- drop_cr
- dscp
- dsn_advertise_hosts
- dsn_from
- dsn_lasthop
- envelope_to_add
- envelope_to_remove
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The Envelope-to: header line]
- environment
- errors_copy
- errors_reply_to
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile]
- errors_to
Generic options for routers, Some common configuration settings [Using Exim to handle mailing lists], Some common configuration settings [Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP)]
- escape_string
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- event_action
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Generic options for transports
- exim_group
- exim_path
- exim_user
- exim_version
- expn
- extra_local_interfaces
- extract_addresses_remove_arguments
- fail_defer_domains
- fail_verify
- fail_verify_recipient
- fail_verify_sender
- fallback_hosts
Generic options for routers, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- file
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router], The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The autoreply transport [Private options for autoreply]
- file_expand
- file_format
- file_must_exist
- file_optional
- file_transport
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- filter_prepend_home
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- final_timeout
- finduser_retries
- forbid_blackhole
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_exim_filter
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_file
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_dlfunc
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_existstest
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_logwrite
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_lookup
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_perl
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_readfile
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_readsocket
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_reply
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_filter_run
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_include
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_pipe
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_sieve_filter
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- forbid_smtp_code
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- force_command
- freeze_exec_fail
- freeze_signal
- freeze_tell
- from
- gecos_name
- gecos_pattern
- gethostbyname
- gnutls_allow_auto_pkcs11
- gnutls_compat_mode
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- group
- header_line_maxsize
- header_maxsize
- headers
- headers_add
- headers_charset
- headers_only
- headers_remove
- headers_rewrite
- helo_accept_junk_hosts
- helo_allow_chars
- helo_data
- helo_lookup_domains
- helo_try_verify_hosts
- helo_verify_hosts
- hide_child_in_errmsg
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- hold_domains
- home_directory
- host_all_ignored
- host_find_failed
- host_lookup
- host_lookup_order
- host_reject_connection
- hosts
The iplookup router, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- hosts_avoid_esmtp
- hosts_avoid_pipelining
- hosts_avoid_tls
- hosts_connection_nolog
- hosts_max_try
- hosts_max_try_hardlimit
- hosts_nopass_tls
- hosts_noproxy_tls
- hosts_override
- hosts_pipe_connect
- hosts_proxy
- hosts_randomize
The manualroute router [Private options for manualroute], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- hosts_request_ocsp
- hosts_require_auth
- hosts_require_dane
- hosts_require_ocsp
- hosts_require_tls
- hosts_treat_as_local
Domain, host, address, and local part lists [Domain lists], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- hosts_try_auth
- hosts_try_chunking
- hosts_try_dane
- hosts_try_fastopen
- hosts_try_prdr
- hosts_verify_avoid_tls
- ibase_servers
File and database lookups [More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, InterBase, and Redis], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- ignore_bounce_errors_after
How Exim receives and delivers mail [Life of a message], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- ignore_eacces
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- ignore_enotdir
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- ignore_fromline_hosts
- ignore_fromline_local
- ignore_quota
- ignore_status
- ignore_target_hosts
- include_directory
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- initgroups
Generic options for routers, Environment for running local transports [Uids and gids], Generic options for transports
- interface
- ipv4_only
- ipv4_prefer
- keep_environment
- keep_malformed
- keepalive
- ldap_ca_cert_dir
- ldap_ca_cert_file
- ldap_cert_file
- ldap_cert_key
- ldap_cipher_suite
- ldap_default_servers
- ldap_require_cert
- ldap_start_tls
- ldap_version
- lmtp_ignore_quota
- local_from_check
- local_from_prefix
- local_from_suffix
- local_interfaces
- local_part_prefix
- local_part_prefix_optional
- local_part_suffix
- local_part_suffix_optional
- local_parts
- local_scan_timeout
- local_sender_retain
- localhost_number
How Exim receives and delivers mail [Message identification], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- lock_fcntl_timeout
- lock_flock_timeout
- lock_interval
- lock_retries
- lockfile_mode
- lockfile_timeout
- log
- log_as_local
- log_defer_output
- log_fail_output
- log_file_path
- log_output
- log_selector
- log_timezone
- lookup_open_max
- mailbox_filecount
- mailbox_size
- maildir_format
- maildir_quota_directory_regex
- maildir_retries
- maildir_tag
- maildir_use_size_file
- maildirfolder_create_regex
- mailstore_format
- mailstore_prefix
- mailstore_suffix
- max_output
- max_parallel
- max_rcpt
- max_username_length
- mbx_format
- message_body_newlines
String expansions [Expansion variables], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- message_body_visible
String expansions [Expansion variables], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- message_id_header_domain
- message_id_header_text
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The Message-ID: header line]
- message_linelength_limit
- message_logs
- message_prefix
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- message_size_limit
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Generic options for transports
- message_suffix
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- mode
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The autoreply transport [Private options for autoreply]
- mode_fail_narrower
- modemask
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- more
Generic options for routers, Generic options for routers, The manualroute router [Private options for manualroute]
- move_frozen_messages
- mua_wrapper
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Using Exim as a non-queueing client
- multi_domain
- mx_domains
- mx_fail_domains
- mysql_servers
File and database lookups [More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, InterBase, and Redis], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- never_mail
- never_users
- no_xxx
- not_xxx
- notifier_socket
- notify_comsat
- once
- once_file_size
- once_repeat
- one_time
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- openssl_options
- optional
- oracle_servers
File and database lookups [More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, InterBase, and Redis], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- owners
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- owngroups
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- pass_on_timeout
- pass_router
- path
- percent_hack_domains
- perl_at_start
Embedded Perl [Setting up so Perl can be used], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- perl_startup
Embedded Perl [Setting up so Perl can be used], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- perl_taintmode
Embedded Perl [Setting up so Perl can be used], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- permit_coredump
- pgsql_servers
File and database lookups [More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, InterBase, and Redis], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- pid_file_path
- pipe_as_creator
- pipe_transport
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- pipelining_advertise_hosts
- pipelining_connect_advertise_hosts
- port
The iplookup router, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- prdr_enable
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Access control lists [The SMTP PRDR ACL]
- preserve_message_logs
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Log files [Message log]
- primary_hostname
Domain, host, address, and local part lists [Domain lists], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- print_topbitchars
- process_log_path
- prod_requires_admin
- protocol
The iplookup router, The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- proxy_protocol_timeout
- public_name
- qualify_domain
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router], Message processing [Unqualified addresses]
- qualify_preserve_domain
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- qualify_recipient
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [Unqualified addresses]
- qualify_single
- query
- queue
- queue_domains
- queue_fast_ramp
- queue_list_requires_admin
- queue_only
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Access control lists [Use of the control modifier]
- queue_only_file
- queue_only_load
- queue_only_load_latch
- queue_only_override
- queue_run_in_order
- queue_run_max
- queue_smtp_domains
- quota
- quota_directory
- quota_filecount
- quota_is_inclusive
- quota_size_regex
- quota_warn_message
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile]
- quota_warn_threshold
- rcpt_include_affixes
- receive_timeout
- received_header_text
- received_headers_max
- recipient_unqualified_hosts
- recipients_max
- recipients_max_reject
- redirect_router
- redis_servers
File and database lookups [More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, InterBase, and Redis]
- remote_max_parallel
- remote_sort_domains
- repeat_use
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- reply_to
- reply_transport
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- require_files
- reroute
- response_pattern
- restrict_to_path
- retry_data_expire
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Retry configuration [Timeout of retry data]
- retry_include_ip_address
- retry_interval_max
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Retry configuration [Retry parameters]
- retry_use_local_part
- return_fail_output
- return_message
- return_output
- return_path
Generic options for transports, Some common configuration settings [Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP)]
- return_path_add
- return_path_remove
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The Return-path: header line]
- return_size_limit
- rewrite
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- rewrite_headers
- rfc1413_hosts
- rfc1413_query_timeout
- route_data
- route_list
- router_home_directory
- same_domain_copy_routing
The dnslookup router [Private options for dnslookup], The manualroute router [Private options for manualroute]
- search_parents
- self
Generic options for routers, Generic options for routers
- in dnslookup router
- in ipliteral router
- in manualroute router
- value of host name
- sender_unqualified_hosts
- senders
- serialize_hosts
- server_advertise_condition
- server_channelbinding
- server_condition
SMTP authentication [Generic options for authenticators], The plaintext authenticator [Plaintext server options]
- server_debug_print
- server_hostname
The cyrus_sasl authenticator [Using cyrus_sasl as a server], The gsasl authenticator, The heimdal_gssapi authenticator
- server_key
- server_keytab
- server_mail_auth_condition
- server_mech
The cyrus_sasl authenticator [Using cyrus_sasl as a server], The gsasl authenticator
- server_param1
- server_param2
The external authenticator [External options], The tls authenticator
- server_param3
The external authenticator [External options], The tls authenticator
- server_password
The gsasl authenticator, The spa authenticator [Using spa as a server]
- server_prompts
- server_realm
The cyrus_sasl authenticator [Using cyrus_sasl as a server], The gsasl authenticator
- server_scram_iter
- server_scram_salt
- server_secret
- server_service
The cyrus_sasl authenticator [Using cyrus_sasl as a server], The gsasl authenticator, The heimdal_gssapi authenticator
- server_set_id
- server_skey
- server_socket
- set
- shadow_condition
- shadow_transport
- sieve_subaddress
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- sieve_useraddress
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- sieve_vacation_directory
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- size_addition
- skip_syntax_errors
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- slow_lookup_log
- smtp_accept_keepalive
- smtp_accept_max
- smtp_accept_max_nonmail
- smtp_accept_max_nonmail_hosts
- smtp_accept_max_per_connection
- smtp_accept_max_per_host
- smtp_accept_queue
- smtp_accept_queue_per_connection
- smtp_accept_reserve
- smtp_active_hostname
- smtp_banner
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Access control lists [The SMTP connect ACL], Access control lists [ACL modifiers]
- smtp_check_spool_space
- smtp_connect_backlog
- smtp_enforce_sync
- smtp_etrn_command
String expansions [Expansion variables], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], SMTP processing [The ETRN command]
- smtp_etrn_serialize
- smtp_load_reserve
- smtp_max_synprot_errors
- smtp_max_unknown_commands
- smtp_ratelimit_*
- smtp_ratelimit_hosts
- smtp_ratelimit_mail
- smtp_ratelimit_rcpt
- smtp_receive_timeout
- smtp_reserve_hosts
- smtp_return_error_details
- smtputf8_advertise_hosts
- socket
- socks_proxy
- spamd_address
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Content scanning at ACL time [Scanning with SpamAssassin and Rspamd]
- spf_guess
- spf_smtp_comment_template
- split_spool_directory
- spool_directory
- spool_wireformat
- sqlite_dbfile
- sqlite_lock_timeout
- srv_fail_domains
- strict_acl_vars
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Access control lists [ACL variables]
- strip_excess_angle_brackets
- strip_trailing_dot
- subject
- syntax_errors_text
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- syntax_errors_to
The redirect router [Private options for the redirect router]
- syslog_duplication
- syslog_facility
- syslog_pid
- syslog_processname
- syslog_timestamp
- system_filter
- system_filter_directory_transport
- system_filter_file_transport
- system_filter_group
- system_filter_pipe_transport
- system_filter_reply_transport
- system_filter_user
- tcp_nodelay
- temp_errors
- text
- timeout
The iplookup router, The queryprogram router, The lmtp transport, The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- timeout_defer
- timeout_frozen_after
How Exim receives and delivers mail [Life of a message], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options]
- timezone
- tls_advertise_hosts
- tls_certificate
- tls_crl
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- tls_dh_max_bits
- tls_dh_min_bits
- tls_dhparam
- tls_eccurve
- tls_in_sni
Encrypted SMTP connections using TLS/SSL [Use of TLS Server Name Indication]
- tls_ocsp_file
- tls_on_connect_ports
- tls_privatekey
- tls_remember_esmtp
- tls_require_ciphers
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- tls_resumption_hosts
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- tls_sni
- tls_tempfail_tryclear
- tls_try_verify_hosts
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- tls_verify_cert_hostnames
- tls_verify_certificates
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- tls_verify_hosts
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- to
- translate_ip_address
- transport
- transport_current_directory
- transport_filter
- transport_filter_timeout
- transport_home_directory
- trusted_groups
- trusted_users
- umask
- unknown_login
- unknown_username
- unseen
How Exim receives and delivers mail [Running an individual router], Generic options for routers, Generic options for routers, Message processing [Adding and removing header lines in routers and transports]
- unset
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], The smtp transport [Private options for smtp]
- untrusted_set_sender
- use_bsmtp
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- use_classresources
- use_crlf
The appendfile transport [Private options for appendfile], The pipe transport [Private options for pipe]
- use_fcntl_lock
- use_flock_lock
- use_lockfile
- use_mbx_lock
- use_shell
- user
- utf8_downconvert
- uucp_from_pattern
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The UUCP From line]
- uucp_from_sender
Main configuration [Alphabetical list of main options], Message processing [The UUCP From line]
- verify
- verify_only
- verify_recipient
- verify_sender
- warn_message_file
- widen_domains
- write_rejectlog